Help support our colleague,
Mick Lee
Let’s help Mick reach his goals…..
Let’s help Mick reach his goals…..
I’m doing a challenge where I’m totally a fish out of water. I like going under the water but not so confident on the top of it. I’m attempting the last of the London challenges and the one I dread the most – Swim Serpentine. For those of you that don’t know the event, it’s a 2-mile swim in the Serpentine at Hyde Park on the 14th September.
It’s not a huge distance for you natural swimmers but when I started two months ago, I was pushing it to get 100 metres without a break so this is a biggie for me. I’m doing the event for Walking for The Wounded.
If you have the time please visit my sponsorship site here, anything you can spare for the charity would be amazing and spur me on when it’s no doubt throwing it down with rain and I’m looking for my “Why” somewhere after 500 metres.
Thank you so much for everything you can spare!