Secure the Hybrid Workforce – Article
At the start of 2020 no one could have predicted the sweeping change to working practices that was afoot. The advent of the UK’s first lockdown in March 2020 forced many organisations to close their doors overnight, propelling them into a new world of homeworking that most were unprepared for. For some, this was unprecedented change, and organisations had to quickly establish procedures and source the technology to enable employees to work remotely.
For employees too, the move to homeworking marked a departure from the norm. Prior to the outbreak, a massive 68% of British employees had never worked from home. For some, homeworking provided a welcome change, presenting a better work-life balance, free from the daily commute. For others, the reality of working from home was exchanging an open-plan office for a kitchen table and homeschooling – a prospect hardly desirable in the long term.
On the whole, this change to working life has largely been viewed as a positive one, with YouGov finding that once the crisis is over, 57% of employees want to be able to continue working from home.
Read the full article on UK Tech News where Natalie Walker, Compliance Standards Manager, elaborates on ways to secure the hybrid workforce.